Thursday, October 29, 2009

Blog Fail. Again.

What I Loved About Thursday-
actually blogging
coffee with my oatmeal
the nice Mr. Barnes at Eureka Auto Body
my sad bumperless car
putting 211 wedding invitations in the mail!
pink scarves
rainboots and trenchcoats
getting phonecalls from my Love in the middle of the day
Mexican food and oreo truffles
tea in a pumpkin mug
making my bed
folded laundry
rocking chairs
having a power cord for my laptop
checking lots of wedding things off of my list
getting my costume for Saturday all put together
researching fall recipes online
looking forward to hanging out with Seminary friends on Friday night, and Church friends on Saturday night!
the contrast between purple lint from dark loads of laundry, and grey lint from whites
registering at Hope Depot with Phillip
walking to Lion's Choice
puddles, and no rainboots