I follow a very strict rule that does not allow me to post things out of chronological order. But, I think that this might just might be a exception. And my future-little-sister-in-law asked me to...!
What I LOVE About Today!-
When Phillip Mark Bozarth knelt down on one knee and told me that he loves me and asked me to marry him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hearing him say "I love you," and being able to tell him how much I love him!
being able to hold his hand
more to come later :D
Verse of the Day-
1 Peter 3:1-7
Likewise, wives, be submissive to your own husbands, so that even if some do not obey the word, they may be won without a word by the conduct of their wives-- when they see your respectful and pure conduct. Do not let your adorning be external-- the braiding of hair, the wearing of gold, or the putting on of clothing-- but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God's sight is very precious. For this is how the holy women who hoped in God used to adorn themselves, by submitting to their husbands, as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord. And you are her children, if you do good and do not fear anything that is frightening.
Likewise, husbands, live with your wives in an understanding way, showing honor to the woman as the weaker vessel, since they are heirs with you of the grace of life, so that your prayers may not be hindered.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
What Brought Me Joy Today-
getting a facebook message from Phillip:
Immediate thought- "Is he going to propose???"
going to the Shields for a cookout with College and Career group
Lukey's "I'm going to the moon" game
telling Amy about Phillip's message, and her assuming the exact same thing as me :)
(finding out later that my mom knew that he was going to propose, and being impressed that she didn't give it away when I told her about the message)
getting a facebook message from Phillip:
Hey Rach,
I'd like Friday night to be just for us. I'll pick you up about 6:00 and take you out to dinner. I'll be in my black suit, if that helps you know how to dress. I know you'll look lovely. Sound okay?
Immediate thought- "Is he going to propose???"
going to the Shields for a cookout with College and Career group
Lukey's "I'm going to the moon" game
telling Amy about Phillip's message, and her assuming the exact same thing as me :)
(finding out later that my mom knew that he was going to propose, and being impressed that she didn't give it away when I told her about the message)
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
What Brought Me Joy Today-
always sharing a hymnal with Phillip :)
Arroz Con Pollo in the crockpot!
Amy's gooey butter cake and mini neon-iced chocolate cupcakes
girls dominating the guys
Click Click Bang
Hat Game
Grandma likes Coffee but not T(ea)
Kim's Catchphrase/Charades/OneWord game
church again
not being so stressed after handing out VBS registration forms
always sharing a hymnal with Phillip :)
Arroz Con Pollo in the crockpot!
Amy's gooey butter cake and mini neon-iced chocolate cupcakes
girls dominating the guys
Click Click Bang
Hat Game
Grandma likes Coffee but not T(ea)
Kim's Catchphrase/Charades/OneWord game
church again
not being so stressed after handing out VBS registration forms
What Brought Me Joy Today-
my siblings' swim team conference
Benjamin pulling ahead a the last minute in his team's relay and winning it for them!
sewing my red dress
going to Erin and Peter's wedding with Phillip :)
dropping off the sheet cake
going to Walmart in wedding clothes
buying snack foods for later
sitting with the awesome Shields at the reception
Aunt Deborah's amazing flower-petal-number guessing skills
introducing Phillip to Lion's Choice
Aaron and Caleb coming in town from KY!
hanging out with them, and Amy and Hannah
playing Apples to Apple & Taboo
putting food in a crockpot at Phillip's for lunch the next day :)
my siblings' swim team conference
Benjamin pulling ahead a the last minute in his team's relay and winning it for them!
sewing my red dress
going to Erin and Peter's wedding with Phillip :)
dropping off the sheet cake
going to Walmart in wedding clothes
buying snack foods for later
sitting with the awesome Shields at the reception
Aunt Deborah's amazing flower-petal-number guessing skills
introducing Phillip to Lion's Choice
Aaron and Caleb coming in town from KY!
hanging out with them, and Amy and Hannah
playing Apples to Apple & Taboo
putting food in a crockpot at Phillip's for lunch the next day :)
Monday, July 13, 2009
7 Fridays ago, and apology
I'm sorry that I've been MIA... I became really busy, and then I became engaged and busier. If I had realized that I had a whole bunch of blogpost drafts I would have finished and published these a long time ago, and not been so behind... but when I get behind, I get overwhelmed, and just get even more behind. But enough people have said something about me not writing, that I'm going to give in to Amy's (teasing) suggestion and make this a week-by-week blog at least until I get caught up. So here some days in July, then I'll go with the weekly posts to catch up until now.
What Brought Me Joy Today-
being slightly chipper even though I got very little sleep
morning-after-sleepovers with Bailee
hanging with Micah all day
working on sheet cakes for Erin's wedding
(I found out later that today was the day that Phillip asked my dad if he could marry me, and bought my ring!!)
What Brought Me Joy Today-
being slightly chipper even though I got very little sleep
morning-after-sleepovers with Bailee
hanging with Micah all day
working on sheet cakes for Erin's wedding
(I found out later that today was the day that Phillip asked my dad if he could marry me, and bought my ring!!)
What Brought Me Joy Today-
baking large chocolate sheet cakes
eating chocolate cake scraps
chopping and chopping more vegetables to make orzo with roasted vegetables!
visiting the Sprint store to try to get my phone fixed
going to see Bailee!!!
New City Fellowship building
Bailee's hilariously awesome red van
yummy Middle Eastern food restaurant
pita and hummus
salad with mint in it
hanging out with Bailee in her room
sitting in on the debrief meeting
organizing and folding huge boxes of shirts!
driving to Bailee's house
Mrs. Rankin!
chatting with Amy, and Brooke!
eating fresh salsa and watching Confessions of a Shopoholic with Bailee and Mrs. Rankin
finally falling asleep...
baking large chocolate sheet cakes
eating chocolate cake scraps
chopping and chopping more vegetables to make orzo with roasted vegetables!
visiting the Sprint store to try to get my phone fixed
going to see Bailee!!!
New City Fellowship building
Bailee's hilariously awesome red van
yummy Middle Eastern food restaurant
pita and hummus
salad with mint in it
hanging out with Bailee in her room
sitting in on the debrief meeting
organizing and folding huge boxes of shirts!
driving to Bailee's house
Mrs. Rankin!
chatting with Amy, and Brooke!
eating fresh salsa and watching Confessions of a Shopoholic with Bailee and Mrs. Rankin
finally falling asleep...
What Brought Me Joy Today-
making icing for the wedding
chopping and chopping and chopping vegetables to make delicious fresh salsa!
going to the Botanical Gardens for the free Jazz Concert!
picnic dinner- leftover yummy bbq chicken
sitting at the playground embroidering Aunt Lori's Snooty Cook apron
giving it to her!
being okay with losing my favorite pair of sunglasses
Phillip being my sweet hero and finding them :)
teaching Phillip how to play backgammon
lawn chairs
making icing for the wedding
chopping and chopping and chopping vegetables to make delicious fresh salsa!
going to the Botanical Gardens for the free Jazz Concert!
picnic dinner- leftover yummy bbq chicken
sitting at the playground embroidering Aunt Lori's Snooty Cook apron
giving it to her!
being okay with losing my favorite pair of sunglasses
Phillip being my sweet hero and finding them :)
teaching Phillip how to play backgammon
lawn chairs
What Brought Me Joy Today-
small group with Danielle, Beth, Stacie, Megan, Sarah, Erica, Jessica, Christine, and Morgan!
going home to dress up and curl my hair
my parents taking Phillip and me out to dinner and to the Muny!
the restaurant Scape
my delicious fish and curried rice
cappuccino with biscotti
the banana cream pie that Daddy had
the Muny!
Meet Me In St. Louis
fireworks :)
leftover architecture from the 1904 World's Fair
Verse of the Day-
Psalm 139:1-12
O Yahweh, you have searched me and known me!
You know when I sit down and when I rise up;
You discern my thoughts from afar.
You search out my path and my lying down
and are acquainted with all my ways.
Even before a word is on my tongue,
behold, O Yahweh, You know it altogether.
You hem me in, behind and before,
and lay Your hand upon me.
Such knowledge is too wonderful for me;
it is high; I cannot attain it.
Where shall I go from your Spirit?
Or where shall I flee from Your presence?
If I ascend to heaven, You are there!
If I make my bed in Sheol, You are there!
If I take the wings of the morning
and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea,
even there Your hand shall lead me,
and Your right hand shall hold me.
If I say, "Surely the darkness shall cover me,
and the light about me be night,"
even the darkness is not dark to you;
the night is bright as the day.
for darkness is as light with you.
small group with Danielle, Beth, Stacie, Megan, Sarah, Erica, Jessica, Christine, and Morgan!
going home to dress up and curl my hair
my parents taking Phillip and me out to dinner and to the Muny!
the restaurant Scape
my delicious fish and curried rice
cappuccino with biscotti
the banana cream pie that Daddy had
the Muny!
Meet Me In St. Louis
fireworks :)
leftover architecture from the 1904 World's Fair
Verse of the Day-
Psalm 139:1-12
O Yahweh, you have searched me and known me!
You know when I sit down and when I rise up;
You discern my thoughts from afar.
You search out my path and my lying down
and are acquainted with all my ways.
Even before a word is on my tongue,
behold, O Yahweh, You know it altogether.
You hem me in, behind and before,
and lay Your hand upon me.
Such knowledge is too wonderful for me;
it is high; I cannot attain it.
Where shall I go from your Spirit?
Or where shall I flee from Your presence?
If I ascend to heaven, You are there!
If I make my bed in Sheol, You are there!
If I take the wings of the morning
and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea,
even there Your hand shall lead me,
and Your right hand shall hold me.
If I say, "Surely the darkness shall cover me,
and the light about me be night,"
even the darkness is not dark to you;
the night is bright as the day.
for darkness is as light with you.
What Brought Me Joy Today-
finishing sewing Aunt Lori's apron!
going to Joann's fabric store and practically drooling over all of the fabric
envisioning all of the amazing things that I could sew out of the fabric if I had the money and time...
embroidering the apron while watching Mary do gymnastics
Phillip picking me up :)
eating cookies and milk at the park
sharing memories
swinging on the front porch with Phillip
Verse of the Day-
Proverbs 22:6
Train up a child in the way he should go;
even when he is old he will not depart from it.
finishing sewing Aunt Lori's apron!
going to Joann's fabric store and practically drooling over all of the fabric
envisioning all of the amazing things that I could sew out of the fabric if I had the money and time...
embroidering the apron while watching Mary do gymnastics
Phillip picking me up :)
eating cookies and milk at the park
sharing memories
swinging on the front porch with Phillip
Verse of the Day-
Proverbs 22:6
Train up a child in the way he should go;
even when he is old he will not depart from it.
What Brought Me Joy Today-
sharing a hymnal and a Bible with Phillip again
VBS meeting
talking to lots of people :)
going to lunch with the Shields!
catching up with Madsey
Sunday afternoon naps
sewing Aunt Lori's apron frantically
going to the Shaffers for dinner and Mexican Train
hanging out with Phillip
tripping down 3 steps and saving my coffee and not getting hurt too badly
watching my Daddy ride Uncle Steve's motorcycle
Verse of the Day-
Luke 14:1-24
One Sabbath, when He went to dine at the house of a ruler of the Pharisees, they were watching Him carefully. And behold, there was a man before Him who had dropsy. And Jesus responded to the lawyers and Pharisees, saying, "Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath, or not?" But they remained silent. Then He took him and healed him and sent him away. And He said to them, "Which of you, having a son or an ox that has fallen into a well on a Sabbath day, will not immediately pull him out?" And they could not reply to these things.
Now He told a parable to those who were invited, when He noticed how they chose the places of honor, saying to them, "When you are invited by someone to a wedding feast, do not sit down in a place of honor, lest someone more distinguished than you be invited by him, and he who invited you both will come and say to you, 'Give your place to this person,' and then you will begin with shame to take the lowest place. But when you are invited, go and sit in the lowest place, so that when your host comes he may say to you, 'Friend, move up higher.' Then you will be honored in the presence of all who sit at table with you. For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted."
He said also to the man who had invited Him, "When you give a dinner or a banquet, do not invite your friends or your brothers or your relatives or rich neighbors, lest they also invite you in return and you be repaid. But when you give a feast, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed, because they cannot repay you. You will be repaid at the resurrection of the just."
When one of those who reclined at table with Him heard these things, he said to Him, "Blessed is everyone who will eat bread in the kingdom of God!" But He said to him, "A man once gave a great banquet and invited many. And at the time for the banquet he sent his servant to say to those who had been invited, 'Come, for everything is now ready.' But they all alike began to make excuses. The first said to him, 'I have bought a field, and I must go out and see it. Please have me excused.' And another said, 'I have bought five yoke of oxen, and I go to examine them. Please have me excused.' And another said, 'I have married a wife, and therefore I cannot come.' So the servant came and reported these things to his master. Then the master of the house became angry and said to his servant, 'Go out quickly to the streets and lanes of the city, and bring in the poor and crippled and blind and lame.' And the servant said, 'Sir, what you commanded has been done, and still there is room.' And the master said to the servant, 'Go out to the highways and hedges and compel people to come in, that my house may be filled. For I tell you, none of those men who were invited shall taste my banquet.'"
sharing a hymnal and a Bible with Phillip again
VBS meeting
talking to lots of people :)
going to lunch with the Shields!
catching up with Madsey
Sunday afternoon naps
sewing Aunt Lori's apron frantically
going to the Shaffers for dinner and Mexican Train
hanging out with Phillip
tripping down 3 steps and saving my coffee and not getting hurt too badly
watching my Daddy ride Uncle Steve's motorcycle
Verse of the Day-
Luke 14:1-24
One Sabbath, when He went to dine at the house of a ruler of the Pharisees, they were watching Him carefully. And behold, there was a man before Him who had dropsy. And Jesus responded to the lawyers and Pharisees, saying, "Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath, or not?" But they remained silent. Then He took him and healed him and sent him away. And He said to them, "Which of you, having a son or an ox that has fallen into a well on a Sabbath day, will not immediately pull him out?" And they could not reply to these things.
Now He told a parable to those who were invited, when He noticed how they chose the places of honor, saying to them, "When you are invited by someone to a wedding feast, do not sit down in a place of honor, lest someone more distinguished than you be invited by him, and he who invited you both will come and say to you, 'Give your place to this person,' and then you will begin with shame to take the lowest place. But when you are invited, go and sit in the lowest place, so that when your host comes he may say to you, 'Friend, move up higher.' Then you will be honored in the presence of all who sit at table with you. For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted."
He said also to the man who had invited Him, "When you give a dinner or a banquet, do not invite your friends or your brothers or your relatives or rich neighbors, lest they also invite you in return and you be repaid. But when you give a feast, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed, because they cannot repay you. You will be repaid at the resurrection of the just."
When one of those who reclined at table with Him heard these things, he said to Him, "Blessed is everyone who will eat bread in the kingdom of God!" But He said to him, "A man once gave a great banquet and invited many. And at the time for the banquet he sent his servant to say to those who had been invited, 'Come, for everything is now ready.' But they all alike began to make excuses. The first said to him, 'I have bought a field, and I must go out and see it. Please have me excused.' And another said, 'I have bought five yoke of oxen, and I go to examine them. Please have me excused.' And another said, 'I have married a wife, and therefore I cannot come.' So the servant came and reported these things to his master. Then the master of the house became angry and said to his servant, 'Go out quickly to the streets and lanes of the city, and bring in the poor and crippled and blind and lame.' And the servant said, 'Sir, what you commanded has been done, and still there is room.' And the master said to the servant, 'Go out to the highways and hedges and compel people to come in, that my house may be filled. For I tell you, none of those men who were invited shall taste my banquet.'"
What Brought Me Joy Today-
The Fourth of July!
Everybody's matching Old Navy flag shirts!
9 Keanes + 1 Kristen + 1 Phillip in a 12-seater van :)
going to pick up 4 dozen Krispy Kremes to bring to Uncle Bobby's
the pouring rain resulting in the old-traditional McDonald's for breakfast
and a non-traditional going to the movies to see Ice Age 3
the rain letting up enough for the parade!
hanging with the cousins at UBs
Grandma's for lunch!
sitting in a puddle during lunch
Ted Drewes ice cream
sewing at home while hanging out with Phillip
the Lecroys coming an hour early
helping my mom with the party
having family and seminary people from church over for dinner, swimming, and fireworks
eating with Uncle Bobby and Aunt Karen and Phillip
visiting with Dana and Dawn :)
Uncle Fred's fantastic fireworks show!
that alliteration
The Fourth of July!
Everybody's matching Old Navy flag shirts!
9 Keanes + 1 Kristen + 1 Phillip in a 12-seater van :)
going to pick up 4 dozen Krispy Kremes to bring to Uncle Bobby's
the pouring rain resulting in the old-traditional McDonald's for breakfast
and a non-traditional going to the movies to see Ice Age 3
the rain letting up enough for the parade!
hanging with the cousins at UBs
Grandma's for lunch!
sitting in a puddle during lunch
Ted Drewes ice cream
sewing at home while hanging out with Phillip
the Lecroys coming an hour early
helping my mom with the party
having family and seminary people from church over for dinner, swimming, and fireworks
eating with Uncle Bobby and Aunt Karen and Phillip
visiting with Dana and Dawn :)
Uncle Fred's fantastic fireworks show!
that alliteration
What Brought Me Joy Today-
being 100% awake at 7:30 after accidently getting only 5 hours of sleep
deciding to sew!
handsewing and embroidering adorable little King and Princess puppets
getting more things on my list accomplished
the traditional fireworks shopping with my family
taking Mary, Benjamin, and Elijah to Walmart with me
seeing Mom and Dad there
buying caffeine, cosmetics, and crafts :)
shopping for a crockpot with Phillip
cooking breakfast for dinner together
biscuits & gravy and orange juice
discussing what kinds of food we like
going over to Aaron and Sarah's to hang out
discussing mission trips, France, Italy, parenting, Christmas, grandparents, homeschooling, and Fourth of July
Verse of the Day-
Ephesians 6:1-4
Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. "Honor your father and mother" (this is the first commandment with a promise), "that it may go well with you and that you may live long on the land." Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.
being 100% awake at 7:30 after accidently getting only 5 hours of sleep
deciding to sew!
handsewing and embroidering adorable little King and Princess puppets
getting more things on my list accomplished
the traditional fireworks shopping with my family
taking Mary, Benjamin, and Elijah to Walmart with me
seeing Mom and Dad there
buying caffeine, cosmetics, and crafts :)
shopping for a crockpot with Phillip
cooking breakfast for dinner together
biscuits & gravy and orange juice
discussing what kinds of food we like
going over to Aaron and Sarah's to hang out
discussing mission trips, France, Italy, parenting, Christmas, grandparents, homeschooling, and Fourth of July
Verse of the Day-
Ephesians 6:1-4
Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. "Honor your father and mother" (this is the first commandment with a promise), "that it may go well with you and that you may live long on the land." Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.
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