Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Things I Love About Today-
waking up at the Shieldseses house
doing the chores- scoop, scoop, scoop, hay- easy!
pitchforks & alfalfa
impromptu hour long car ride with Kendra!
going to Rolla to see BAILEE!
grocery shopping with Kendra and Bailee
"we don't drink milk"-Bailee
Bailee's cute new dress
cooking dinner with Kendra, Bailee, and Jeremy
spit-up boots
eating outside
orange juice!
laughing at Bailee trying to pack fast
not having to drive home- Bailee loves to drive :)
hanging out with Bailee's awesome family!
having a sleepover with Kendra
moooooore pillow talk :)
sleeping in my own bed

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