Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Things I Love About Today-
getting ready for church with some of my best friends
Anna curling my hair!
my favorite skirt, favorite shirt, favorite sweater, and favorite shoes
cinnamon rolls and art in Sunday school
walking/running barefoot in Webster Groves with Anna and Amanda
seeing the house my Daddy grew up in
having (all) my bags packed and the house cleanish at a decent hour
being with Bailee and her family at the visitation
seeing Kendra and Kinsey!
wonderful wonderful choir concerts :)
eating mints with Lindsay and Michael Frazier
singing the beautiful Psalms
seeing my Grandma and Grandpa in the congregation!
listening to the soloists and cellist
driving a huge 12-seater van around
going back to see Bailee again
hanging out with the Rankin family
going to Krispy Kreme and QT with Ben (13 year old gentleman!)
writing secret messages in Bionicle language
laughing at Bailee and Jeremy being indecisive about restaurants
wearing my choir dress and Jeremy's shoes into Steak'n'Shake
laughing with Bailee at the waiter trying to flirt with me
cheese fries and milkshakes
spending the night (and pillow talk) with Bailee :) :) :) :)

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