Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Things I Love About Today-
eating breakfast with the cute little Crooks kids
drinking the milk from my cereal with the built-in straw
being helpful to the Rankins
sweet Mrs. Rankin
fixing Bailee's hair
having the most beautiful girl in the world as my best friend!
being amused by the snooty lady at the airport Starbucks
Daddy and Mary picking me up at the airport :)
my cute pink striped skirt
teaching Elijah Bionicle language
planning on unpacking, but taking a 2 hour nap instead
Bubble Room for dinner!
bubble bread (of course)
the dying gimpy fish that's "been that way for 2 years"
Devon, our sweet and funny waitress with the bag on her arm
cake to go- Orange Crunch, Jamaican Rum, & Coconut Christmas Cake- best in the world!

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