Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Things I Love About Today-
fetting up at 7:00am to watch the sunrise with Noah
watching manatees instead, since it was cloudy
having dressed, eaten breakfast, & packed before most people are awake
reading Garfield
helping Mom handwash the rest of the dishes
making bracelets in the car for my siblings
Tomazzo bagel for lunch
watching Benjamin and Mary laugh while watching Horton Hears A Who
almost crying after finishing Long Way From Chicago
InStyle magazing
laughing at strangers flirting with each other
turbulence. seriously. it's like a roller coaster :)
Luke picking us up in the party bus (aka 12-seater van)
looking at all the spring growth on the way home
getting my laundry done right away
deciding to get in the habit of washing my face every night
going to bed early :)

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