Thursday, February 5, 2009

More than Rachel's Cakes

I've considered becoming a blogger for quite some time. Back in the summer I actually started a blog, and liked putting pictures on it. Eventually though I decided that I didn't know what to write about, and I got frustrated when it cropped my pictures in ways that I didn't like. So I deleted it. A few months ago I started another blog. This time I knew what I was going to blog about. I make cakes- wedding cakes, birthday cakes, graduation cakes, etc. Of course, I should have a blog showing the world my cakes! I had forgotten about the cropping issue. It still frustrated me. Therefore, I wrote one post about my grandparents' Anniversary cake, and thus ended my Cake blog. (As of now- I may pick it up again if I ever figure out how to upload pictures properly!)

What, you ask, am I planning to with this blog then, if I don't like writing and I won't upload pictures? Excellent question. I am a list girl. I write lists. Packing lists, grocery lists, to-do lists, reading lists, my-family's-order-at-Sonic lists, who-to-pray-for lists, snack-for-Sunday-school lists... and the list goes on. Yeah, I just made of list of lists. That may or may not prove my point. Side note- don't you hate it when you say one word over and over again and it starts to sound really weird, like it's not a real word? That's starting to happen with "list." It was also happening earlier for "day" when I was trying unsuccessfully to come up with a clever name for my blog. I'm so unoriginal. I named my cake business "Rachel's Cakes." duh. -end of side note.

My favorite kind of list is the one where I write down everything that I love. (I have an incredibly long list in my notes on facebook of 200+ things/people that I love... you should check it out sometime. Hopefully you're on it) And this is where my blog comes in. This is going to be my "Things I love about today" blog- I kind of stole this from Bailee. Occasionally she writes a note on facebook with everything that she loves about her day. I don't think she'll mind though :) I'm probably also going to include my song of the day, picture of the day (if I figured out the cropping issue!!!), quote of the day, Bible verse of the day, quite possibly a Polyvore of the day, and just anything happy that happened to me each day. I'm probably going to be addicted to it for a while and post everyday then completely forget about it for 6 months. I tend to do that with websites.

Welcome to my blog. If you read this and comment on it I will probably love you forever. And I will probably write on here about how much I love you. The end.


  1. Love it. Great idea! do you love me forever now?

  2. I love February because Miss Rachel is coming to visit me!!!!!
    Mary Walton, Shelby, Britton, and Katherine

  3. I know, in 10 days!!! I can't wait to see y'all!
