finally making myself (or mom making me) run
cooking flaky blood orange tart
babysitting the Halsey, Virginia Lee, and McIver
putting Virginia to bed
reading Star Wars nerd things to Halsey
walking to the park!
the GORGEOUS weather!
wearing flip flops with jeans
my stripey sweater
listening to McIver laugh EVERYtime I gave him a push in the swing!
chatting with Marne
meeting with Josh to plan VBS stuff!
my Landon Pigg cd
getting to see my dad- I've been way too busy lately
mom making my favorite casserole for dinner!
small group with Hannah, Anna, Amy, and Ami!
making Valentines!
dark chocolate covered heart shaped rice krispy treats
praying together
driving through buckets of rain
thunder that literally shakes the house- my teacups were rattling
Verse of the Day-
Galations 6:2, "Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ."
Quote of the Day-
(me making a Valentine that said "be mine")
Amy: Who's that for? You need to make about 7 more now!
Me: Be mine, be mine, be mine, DON'T be mine, be mine...
Picture of the Day-

Go to this website for the recipe:
woot for Star Wars nerd things!